The Memorial Museum has been established in the dwelling house for professors of Vilnius University – in the flat where Vincas Krėvė-Mickevičius, the founder and the first president of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, an academician, a professor of the Vytautas Magnus University, Vilnius University and Pennsylvania (USA) University, was living from the year 1940 till his emigration in the year 1944. Rooms of the apartment have been arranged in accordance with the description of the former flat of the parents, made by the writer’s daughter Ona Aldona Krėvaitė.

In the exposition of the Museum, the writer’s furniture that remained intact, personal things, photographs, the former authentic purpose of two rooms, the writer’s study and family’s parlour, have been preserved. The exposition arranged in the former bedroom reflects the writer’s creative, scientific and public activities.

On the stands – his works, photos, documental materials reflecting the writers life in his homeland Subartonys, in Kiev (Ukraine), Baku (Azerbaijan), Kaunas, Vilnius, Philadelphia (USA), scenography of his dramas staged in theatres of Kaunas and Vilnius. One can see here V. Krėvė’s death mask in the museum. There are the writer’s oak desk with a beech chair decorated with imprinted ornaments in the writer’s study, the typewriter ”Corona” that had travelled half a world with Krėvė, the sofa is covered with a Persian rug brought by the writer in the year 1920 when returning from Baku, the chess table with authentic armchairs, a part of the writer’s personal library, which consisted of 5000 volumes, in various languages.

Authentic oak drawing-room funriture stands in splendour in Krėvė’s parlour, the writer’s portrait painted by the artist Justinas Vienožinskis is hanging on the wall. Exhibits collected on the stands of the parlour are telling about the writer’s origin, parents, love story when living in Baku city.

Reviewing exhibitions of the writer’s literary and scientific works and materials about his public, editorial and folklore research activities are arranged in the exposition hall. Various events take place: educational programmes and excursions are carried out, movies about Krėvė are demonstrated, visitors listen to records of the writer’s voice, his address to occupied by the Soviets Lithuania, an interview about negotiations with the Soviet commissar Molotov in the year 1940.

Museum visiting and excursions are free.

Address: Tauro St. 10-1, LT-01114, Vilnius


Working hours: Tuesdays – Saturdays, 9:00-17:45 hour

Booking of excursions: Phone/Fax (8-5) 262 01 48